Friday, October 25, 2013

Three week-aversarry

Happy three weeks to my new pony, Licorice.  I have only had Licorice for three weeks and already am head over heels for him.  I feel like a different person with Licorice.  I feel like we can accomplish so much and I'm super excited for the things we can do in the future.

I rode without stirrups today for a few minutes.  I'm sure my body will be feeling that tomorrow!

Licorice has a pretty hefty winter coat and I'm not sure if it's winter coat or if it's the vitamins they give at the barn, but his coat is SO SHINY.  It's also really soft.  It makes me want to snuggle with him.

Licorice has not been a snuggly horse.  He's mildly interested in me, but not the way Tessa was.  Licorice often stares off in to the distance while I brush him.

I have noticed his eye changing.  I'll be curious what it looks like in six months or a year from now.  It might be that he just has permanent sad face, but maybe some one on one bonding and attention will change it.  It looks to me like his eyes already have more life and depth than they used to.

The weather has been relatively dry here and I really want to go back out and do some trail riding.  I'm not quite ready to go out on my own yet, so I'm hoping to con a friend into coming along with me and just walking with us while we go down the trails.  Sometimes Licorice and I stop at the outer edges of the arena and just breathe in the fresh air.  I think we both want more variety.

It's so refreshing to be thinking in terms of a team and all of the things we CAN do.  We're on the list to join Horsemasters, the adult version of Pony Club.  A woman at my barn has a truck and trailer and is also interested, so it looks like that will be happening.  I also may want to do a few schooling shows this next summer.  And I want to do some jumping on Licorice.  I haven't jumped him yet and I'm excited to try it!  Everything is different with the right horse.  Everything.


  1. I love the enthusiasm in your voice. Rock on with Licorice!

  2. He's made such a difference to you already - just think where the two of you will be a year or two from now!

  3. Love how you are looking forward with this great new guy!

  4. I love this. Everyone should have a horse like licorice at least once in their lives :)

  5. Glad you are enjoying him so much!
